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Case Sharing

Potato project

In order to promote products and expand brand influence. Virtor controlled release fertilizer was used to fertilize potatoes in Jingbian county.

On May 31, 2018, potato growers in Gaosheng village, Huanghaojie town, Jingbing county, conducted an experiment on potatoes with only release controlled release fertilizer under the guidance of Virtor technicians. On September 22, 2018, after nearly four months of growth, the potato harvest season arrived. Farmers were full of excitement and sent us pictures of the potato harvest.


It's not like I don't know, it's like I'm scared. Potatoes grown with controlled release fertilizer are large in size, well shaped, uniform, with a shiny skin and a high commercial rate. The potatoes used in other fertilizer areas were smaller, less uniform in shape and color. Only controlled release fertilizer can achieve long-term controlled release, significantly improve nutrient utilization rate, meet the needs of crop growth period for nutrients, and increase yield and income.


In the face of such a sharp contrast, growers have to give up their doubts and give thumbs-up to praise that "for potatoes to grow well, only controlled release fertilizer can be used."


Virtor Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd.

Telephone: 029-89182243

Technical service hotline: 400-860-2606

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