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Jujube date project

Dali county,Weinan city, Shaanxi province, is rich in light and heat resources, flat terrain, fertile soil, superior irrigation conditions, day and night temperature difference, is the best place to produce dates.

In order to promote products and expand brand influence.Virtor agriculture conducted fertilization experiments on winter jujubes in Dali county.


On June 5, 2018, jujube farmers in Dali county, under the guidance of Virtor technical staff, conducted an experiment on winter jujube by using the release of good controlled release fertilizer.

On August 5, 2018, the winter jujube harvest season arrived. Farmers were full of joy and sent us pictures of the winter jujube harvest.


The winter dates using the release of good controlled release fertilizer are large in size, thin in skin, small in core, thick in flesh, elastic and juicy. The average single fruit weight is about 20g, the fruit surface is smooth and clean, the ripe stage is light ochre red, the pulp is milky white, the taste is delicate, crisp and sweet, and the fruit is elastic, easy to float, and resistant to storage and transportation. And each mu jujube tree only needs to use 40kg-60kg fertilizer, the effect of less investment is good.

However, the winter jujubes planted without the use of the controlled release fertilizer were small in size, with thick peel and low sweetness. Only controlled release fertilizer can achieve controlled release of nutrients, significantly improve nutrient utilization rate, meet the needs of crop growth period for nutrients, improve product quality and increase yield at the same time.


Seeing such a sharp difference, growers had to give up their doubts and give a thumbs-up to praise: if winter dates are of good quality, they should use controlled release fertilizer.


Virtor Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd.

Telephone: 029-89182243

Technical service hotline: 400-860-2606



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