

Virtor attended the council meeting of hebei agricultural industry association

The third third board meeting of Hebei agricultural industry association was held in Shijiazhuang botanical garden on the morning of April 4, 2018, during which various bills were deliberated and passed, and the task was successfully completed.


The board of directors deliberated the establishment of the association's agricultural products traceability system and other relevant bills, and discussed the association's three-year (2018-2020) development plan outline (draft). At the same time, the meeting also held the "hebei province agricultural introduction of foreign talents and intellectual needs symposium".


Ms. Liang xiaowei, general manager of Virtor, became a member of the expert group of hebei agricultural industry association as a national fertilizer formulator and attended the board meeting. Virtors only as controlled release fertilizer production enterprises of the domestic leading, unique resin coated technology and unique formula, NPK can more effectively control the release of nutrient cycle, can accurate release, in the application of release only affected by temperature, not affected by microbial flora, and exploiting the period is long, can meet crop nutrient demand, for the whole season with due to avoid unexpected circumstances adverse influence on normal crop.


Xi'an Virtor Ecological Agriculture Co., LTD

Telephone: 029-89182243

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